
8Quanta 5-Year Anniversary Survey

Section 1: About the Company’s Journey

1. How would you describe 8Quanta’s growth over the past 5 years?

2. What do you consider 8Quanta’s greatest achievement so far?

3. How well does 8Quanta align with its core values?

4. What is the most memorable milestone for 8Quanta in the last 5 years?

Section 2: Team and Culture

5. What makes working at 8Quanta special?

6. How would you describe the company culture?

7. How motivated do you feel working at 8Quanta?

8. What area could 8Quanta improve to make it an even better place to work?

Section 3: Products and Innovation

9. Which product or service from 8Quanta do you find the most impactful?

10. How innovative do you think 8Quanta’s products are?

11. How satisfied are clients with 8Quanta’s services?

Section 4: Looking to the Future

12. Where should 8Quanta focus its efforts in the next 5 years?

13. What excites you most about 8Quanta’s future?

14. What would you like to see at the 10-year anniversary of 8Quanta?

Section 5: Personal Reflections

15. What’s your favorite memory working at 8Quanta?

16. Describe 8Quanta in one word:

17. If you could give one message to the leadership team, what would it be?

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